Inktober 2019

RKR Stationery would like to invite you to participate in Inktober 2019
It runs from October 1 to 31, 2019.
It all started in 2009 when artist, Jake Parker, wanted to find a way to improve his drawing skills and further develop positive drawing habits. He decided to give himself a challenge to do one ink drawing each day during the month of October. Others heard about his challenge and joined in and from that a yearly Inktober event was formed and today people worldwide are participating in the annual Inktober challenge.
Inktober is for artists, creatives and anyone who enjoys, or who would like to start drawing; this is for people of all ages, youth and adults. The rules of the Inktober challenge are simple:
- Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want)
- Post it; any social media account (we hope you will post on our Facebook page, RKR Stationery), your refrigerator, your diary, your bulletin board, anywhere you like.
- If posting on social media make sure you hashtag it with #inktober and #inktober 2019.
- Repeat – daily if you can, every other day, once a week or whatever works best for you AND make sure you have FUN!!!
You don’t have to necessarily draw to participate in Inktober. Here are some ideas to consider:
- Drawing or illustration
- Cartoons
- Stick drawings
- Doodling
- Zentangle Art
- Lettering styles
- Creative writing of Quotes and Sayings
- Poetry writing
- Anything else you can think of……even digital art
There are many types of ink tools you can use. One of our favourites at RKR Stationery is working with a fountain pen and using bottled inks. Of course we also have paper that is ink friendly for this type of work. If you need help getting started with this challenge or want some fun ink tools to draw with come by our store and see what we have for product.
We hope you will have fun participating in Inktober 2019 and look forward to seeing your pieces on our Facebook page.